Dr. Amy Brown-Bowers (PhD, Ryerson University, 2016; MA, Ryerson University, 2011; BJournRyerson University, 2005) completed her doctoral studies in Clinical Psychology at Ryerson University with primary research interests in critical psychological approaches to understanding health, gender and sexuality. She began to work in the lab 10 years ago, when she was transitioning from a career as a print journalist to studying Psychology. Her dissertation, entitled Couples coping with prostate cancer: Women and men (re)negotiating discourses of gender, sexuality and intimate relationships, is a critical psychological investigation of couples navigating sexual and relationship changes following prostate cancer treatment. A core component of this research is contextualizing participant narratives within broader sociocultural discourses of ‘normal’ sexuality, ‘successful’ gender performance and ‘healthy’ relationships. Amy was awarded a Canadian Psychological Association Programme of Certificate of Academic Excellence for her dissertation. She also has an interest in fat studies and in exploring the ways fat bodies are problematized within medical and psychological spaces. Amy works as a Psychologist in private practice in Toronto and enjoys creating safe, playful, useful, and subversive space for therapy clients.