Degree in Progress:
MA in Psychology (Clinical Stream), Ryerson University

2017, BA (Honours) in Psychology, University of Waterloo
2012, BA (Honours) in English and History, University of Toronto

Research Interests:
Judit is interested in how cognitive processes like reasoning and maladaptive beliefs induce and maintain symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. She also maintains broad interests in neuropsychological themes as they pertain to anxiety disorders. Her undergraduate research background concerned the role of reasoning processes in the development and maintenance of obsessions in obsessive-compulsive disorder as well as the impact of mindsets and goal setting in social anxiety.

Selected Conference Presentations:
Michaelis, M., Barber, K. C., Szabo, J., Obdeyn, L., & Moscovitch, D.A. (2017, June) Generate closeness or make a good impression? The impact of interpersonal mindsets on self-focused attention and social outcomes in high vs. low socially anxious participants. Poster accepted for presentation at the 78th annual Canadian Psychological Association Convention, Toronto, ON.

Barber, K. C., Michaelis, M.A.M., Szabo, J., & Moscovitch, D.A. (2017, May) Restoring the pleasure in social interaction: the role of interpersonal goals and mindsets in social anxiety. Poster accepted for presentation at the 7th annual Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies Convention, Ottawa, ON.

Armstrong, R., Liang, L. H., Brown. D. J., Szabo, J., Hanig, S., & Pillai, T. (2015, May). Righting a wrong: Stabbing a voodoo doll following supervisor mistreatment restores your sense of justice. Poster presented at the Southern Ontario Behavioural Decision Research Conference, Toronto, ON.

Liang, L. H., Brown. D. J., Armstrong, R., Szabo, J., Hanig, S., & Pillai, T. (2015, April). Righting a wrong: Does deviance restore justice following abusive supervision? Poster presented at the University of Waterloo Graduate Psychology Discovery Conference, Waterloo, ON.