Teen Sleep

In the SAD Lab, we are interested in investigating how to improve access to care for adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with poor sleep through the use of an app called DOZE.

Many AYAs do not complain about their sleep problems to adults, and they are at high risk for mental health issues. Additionally, some of the sleep problems of AYAs are unique, making pediatric and adult insomnia treatment programs unsuitable for this age group.

Apps are uniquely suited to improve access to effective, evidence-based treatments for both people who are not seeking treatment but are at-risk, as well as those that do seek treatment but have poor access to evidence-based treatments.

To learn more about DOZE, or to try it yourself, visit dozeapp.ca or watch this video.

Dr. Colleen Carney recently spoke to Scientia about how DOZE is helping teens sleep better. To learn more about the results of our recent studies using DOZE, check out our infographic here.